TEGG Service, an alternative to Fixed Wire Testing
The current Irish Leglislation states that all employers must have their electrical installations inspected and tested regularly.
Regulation 89 of the 2007 Safety Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations (S.I. No 299 of 2007) as amended by the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application)(Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 732 of 2007) ), states that :
“ an employer shall ensure that:
(b) an existing electrical installation is tested by a competent person in an appropriate manner– (i) from time to time where required having regard to the nature, location and use of the installation,” and that
“(d) all defects found during the testing and inspection of an electrical installation are rectified promptly so as to prevent danger.
Fixed Wire Testing is one suggested method of testing, or 'testing regime' that can be used to comply with the above piece of legislation. It is an important test, which ensures the integrity of wiring and circuit breakers in an electrical installation. However, temporary isolations are required to facilitate this testing regime.
There are a wide range of facilities where it is not possible to isolate every circuit onsite, of course limitations can be used in some instances. But, where large sections of a facility can not be isolated to accomadate fixed wire testing, an alternative method or testing regime is required.
Fixed wire testing will also only ever idfentify problems on a very specific section of an electrical installation, where possible it should always be carried out in conjunction with energised testing of the main electrical assets.
TEGG Service is the safest and most effective method of testing a low voltage electrical distribution system, while it is under normal operational load. Meaning that there is absolutely no disruption to power supplies while testing is underway.
After consultation with our clients and carrying out a detailed site survey, we will propose a testing strategy that meets the exact needs of the site, and often combines various electrical testing regimes.
Get in touch to discuss further and see how our unique approach aligns with the current Irish legislation and all accompanying documentation.